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Proudly Made In The USA
<--click to view sample card
Replaces CP3000 with improved sensor technology
3 year warranty parts and labor
The replacement for the Amano 6800 series mechanical clock.
Fully automatic, eliminates employee error in lining up card
Selectable imprint for month, date, hours 1-12 or 0-23, minutes regular, 10ths or 100ths.
Full power reserve keeps the clock operational for up to 3 days. Never needs setting.
Optional: 2 color ribbon feature and time signal control
 | |  |  | Amano CP3000 Refurbished Reconditioned Eledtronic Clock Consecutive Punch The replacement for the Amano 6800 series mechanical clock.
<--click to view sample card
Fully automatic, eliminates employee error in lining up card
Selectable imprint for month, date, hours 1-12 or 0-23, minutes regular, 10ths or 100ths.
Full power reserve keeps the clock operational for up to 3 days. Never needs setting.
Optional: 2 color ribbon feature and time signal control
One year warranty parts and labor.

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